Section 301(l) of the Congressional Accountability Act of 1995, as amended by Pub. L. No. 115-397, provides, in relevant part, that, subject to the rules issued by the Senate the Committee on Rules and Administration (Rules), the Office of Congressional Workplace Rights (OCWR) “shall prepare and submit to Congress, and publish on the public website of the Office, an annual report regarding payments from the account described in [section 415(a)]1 that were the result of claims alleging a violation of part A of title II” of the Act, referred to as “covered payments.” For employing offices of the Senate, reporting required under section 301(l) “shall— (i) for a covered payment, or the reimbursable portion of a covered payment, . . . conform to the requirements of the rules issued by [Rules].” For 2019, the annual report shall be submitted by the 60th day after the date on which Rules issues the rules regarding reporting of covered payments for employing offices of the Senate and shall reflect covered payments made in calendar year 2019.

Pursuant to Section 301(l) and the U.S. Senate Congressional Accountability Act of 1995 Reform Act Regulations, the OCWR submits to Congress this Report on Awards and Settlements for Calendar Year 2019 for Employing Offices of the Senate. This Report is also available to the public on the Office’s website at